Buy $MICKEY on Uniswap
To get $MICKEY Utility Tokens you need to use a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) we suggest using Uniswap the largest and most popular DEX.
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To get $MICKEY Utility Tokens you need to use a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) we suggest using Uniswap the largest and most popular DEX.
Last updated
Buying Mickey is Simple you need 3 things:
An ERC-20 Compatible wallet like: Metamask, Tally, Trustwallet, Rainbow Wallet... etc. (Click Here if you don't have a wallet and refer to this guide to create one)
Ethereum - the native currency on ethereum Ticker: $ETH
The token Contract Address for $MICKEY which is: 0x7391a131cCb43a571a34e09f986080D117b4313C
Once you have confirmed that you have setup a wallet and have ethereum in your wallet you are going to want to navigate to the following link:
This link should place you on the Uniswap Token Page for $MICKEY, it should look like this:
First thing you will want to do is connect your wallet by clicking "Connect Wallet" in the Swap box on the right hand side of the page:
And select the wallet you would like to connect to. We are using metamask so we will select that. Feel free to select any wallet you have.
This will lead to a prompt:
Now Enter in the amount you would like to purchase like so:
If you mad a mistake select reject and restart the process to fix any errors. Thats it you are now a holder of $MICKEY. Consider staking to earn $MICKEY rewards with this guide: $MICKEY Liquidity Rewards Program And be sure to Follow us on socials:
Twitter: @MickeyMemeCoin
You will want to click next. Then you can confirm you are connected by seeing your wallet address on the top right of the screen. Now, navigate to the swap box again to enter in the asset you would like to use to purchase $MICKEY in our case we are using Ethereum or $ETH so lets click the pink select token button and lets select that:
And click "Swap" to start the purchase, once you click you will have to confirm with the modal that pops up and click "Confirm Swap":
Then a prompt will popup from Metamask so you can complete the sale where you will select "Confirm":